Living in Alignment ⓖ

Healing Collective Trauma with Nisha Mody

Ghada B Khalifeh Episode 45

So often trauma is seen as a personal issue but what happens when trauma exist not just in you, but in everyone in your family, community, culture, the collective, and even beyond?

In today’s episode guest Nisha Mody, explains about collective intergenerational and cultural traumas and walks us into her perspective on trauma that addresses both its visible effects and its most hidden roots.
Nisha is a Feminist Healing Coach, Writer, and Librarian who holds space for those who question the way they "should" live and want to heal for themselves and the collective. As a daughter of South Asian immigrants, she has actively reflected on the internalized sexism, classism, and colonization that conditioned her ways of being. Nisha has worked as a consultant, recruiter, voiceover actor, speech therapist, and librarian – all of which have centered her values around connection, unlearning, compassion, curiosity, humility, vulnerability, and liberation

[ Episode Notes ]

  • What is collective trauma 
  • Examples that cause collective trauma
  • The impact of colonization on Nisha’s family and her ways of doing and being 
  • The systematic trauma impact on defining success  
  • What does trauma do to our body and nervous system
  • Healing is not a problem to be fixed 
  • What are the symptoms of all these interconnected traumas on us
  • How our inheritance of previous systems of trauma and fear shaped and continue to shape our reality
  • Where do we start to heal the collective trauma , how does the healing process work 
  • What is our responsibility, in healing Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds

[Resources and Links ]