Living in Alignment ⓖ

Journey with Food addiction, Workaholism and Healing your hunger with Rouba Chalabi

Ghada B Khalifeh Episode 35

Today , I am super excited to have on the podcast guest expert Rouba Chalabi who is going to share with us her personal journey and story with food addiction and healing her hunger.

Rouba is a Food Addiction Counselor, Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release Practitioner and author of “Beyond the Emptiness: How I Found Fullness Outside of Food.” After years of struggling with overeating, Rouba found herself on a path of radical physical, emotional and spiritual transformation, resulting finally in weight loss she could healthfully sustain. She left a twenty year career in public policy and communication to help others find the same transformation. Through her private practice, Rouba now supports people to connect with their body through nutrition, breath, movement, feelings, sounds and self-expression.


  • Growing up with Shame 
  • How Rouba  defines shame and the perceived situations that triggered shame 
  • How Rouba started to challenge her relationship with food 
  • What led her to the food addiction recovery program 
  • The process of becoming addicted to food  
  •  Food addiction and chemical imbalance
  • Emotional eating vs food addiction  
  • Rouba Breaking point and coming back to self love 
  • What it means vs to how to experience self love 
  • What emerged for Rouba after weight release 
  • What completed the circle to find fullness outside of food
  • Where can overeaters or people with food addiction start to find their fullness beyond food


=>QUOTES WE LOVED by  Rouba Chalabi>=

“Because I over-exert myself, I need to fuel myself with food to keep the nervous system in constant relief. Food becomes the tranquilizer, the energizer and the companion.”

“Overeaters are obsessed with food and confuse it with love, they are terrified of losing their Abusive lover.”

“It’s not the outer appearance in service of the persona of the accomplished woman, It’s really going into this dark alley and seeing this hungry exiled animal that is us and meeting it. ”