Living in Alignment ⓖ

The Complicated Truth about Body image and Confidence with Fadela Hilali

Ghada B Khalifeh Episode 30

Body image is a huge source of suffering for so many people today, that interferes with their quality of life. It is  also one of the biggest reasons why people obsess and seek out-excessive dieting, over-exercising , not showing up to their life desires or life purpose because of low self esteem and confidence. In today’s episode Our guest expert Fadela Hilali taps into body image theme and and how to cultivate confidence for our wellbeing, happiness  and success.

Fadela Hilali is a coach, speaker and bestselling author of STUFFED: " how to feel so good about yourself you won't have room for cake".  Fadela supports her clients to become their most empowered and resourceful selves by focusing on the individual patterns, habits and beliefs that previously left them feeling empty and unmotivated. Clients describe her coaching as strategic, empathetic and uplifting. Her motto is “Feel good, do good”. She is also the founder of The Confidence Bootcamp, an online experience to overcome self-doubt and boost self-esteem.

Episode Notes 

  • The struggle that you see so many women go through 
  • The main influences of body image
  • The common belief about women’s bodies 
  • How to  change the conversation to see the body beyond an  object 
  • Body as emotional guidance
  • Feeling good first and the body follows
  • Self Compassion and Self-improvement 
  • How Body sovereignty  impact wellbeing and success
  • Tools to embrace body sovereignty  for healthy body image 

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